08 August
Introducing our latest Compostable Canvas artist, Caroline Dowsett.
talented Manchester-based artist, Caroline Dowsett. We spoke with her about the inspiration behind these
wonderful designs and what creativity means to her.
Hey Caroline, we love the designs you have created for our recent Compostable Canvas Cup for this summer, what’s inspired your particular style as an artist?
Hiya! Ah thank you so much, they were really fun to create. My style started to develop around 7 years ago, when I was on a ceramics course, with an introduction of mark-making in ceramics. Shortly after, I sadly developed a condition called EDS which had me in and out of being bed bound, out of the everyday and unwell for around 3 years. This led to me creating artwork that was more abstract and colourful, as encouragement and a dose of optimism to myself. And it’s stuck! This truly was the gift out of that time, and now I’m so pleased I can share my colourful forms through different mediums to connect, and uplift others.
What gets you into your creative flow?
Solitude, reading, movement, nature and music (mostly ambient shows on NTS, shout out to Sounds of Dawn + Golden Ratio frequencies) - all these things inspire me. Once I’m plugged into some music after taking part in these activities, I can create/paint for hours. My favourite state to be in!
Can you tell us the story behind this design?
With the launch of these cups being in the UK’s summer season, I wanted to convey the feeling of summer. The bright colours, nods to floral shapes and energetic lines to give that feeling of excitement we can have during the summer months.
Could you tell us more about what it’s like being an independent artist in the creative industry?
It feels like a dream, and it’s also a lot of work, but doesn’t feel like the traditional idea of work, as it’s loads of fun! Being able to work with such a wide range of clients, and personally put out artwork to the world to connect to other people is something I will always cherish.
How do you think creativity can make a positive impact on the planet?
Creativity is everywhere, and we are all creative. Being creative is a daily act from all of us, and with that, we can ensure we are taking the right steps, and being vigilant with what is best when it comes to our planet. Creativity also connects people and can bring a dose of joy in what could be mundane.

Who is your favourite artist/designer and why?
I have a list that is ever growing, but today it is; Heather Jeanne Chontos. Her use of colour, abstract shapes and texture creates this sense of calm. Really beautiful work!
When you’re not creating in the studio, how do you like to spend your time?
With loved ones, in nature, spending time at home with my cat, reading, going to the cinema, cycling, swimming, cooking. Chilling out basically.
Since you’ve created these designs for our Hot Cups… what’s your hot drink of choice?
I love a long black, with a splash of milk.
How can people purchase your prints or get in touch about any collabs?
I have my online shop! Where I sell my limited edition Risographs, giclee prints and paintings. I also take part in art markets around the UK (I announce these on my Instagram) and I’m always open to a chat via email or DM.
Follow Caroline on Instagram here and find her gorgeous cups here.