Cocktail Napkin
Custom Branding
pricing is VAT exclusive
Composting,the ultimate recycling

We can build anything
The products of compost: Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen make up 99% of all organic molecules - the building blocks of all life. Will your salad container be repurposed into cos lettuce? Forget the rigidity of classic recycling, composting is part of the infinite, circular, cycle of natural life.

Decomposes within 12 weeks
All of our products are commercially compostable. This is because in commercial facilities we can guarantee at least 60 degree heat and therefore swift decomposition within 12 weeks.

Plastic recycling is broken
The most viable solution for single-use disposable packaging is a full cycle, organic recycling solution. Plant-based packaging waste can integrate into the organic waste system and be utilised as compost for the next generation of plants.
pieces of plastic taken out of circulation
Collectively our customers have reduced the amount of plastic in circulation through using plant-based alternatives
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