07 May
A decent guide to home composting.
First things first, what exactly is compostable packaging?
Compostable packaging is packaging that breaks down naturally when left in the right environment, leaving behind no toxicity in the soil.
Unlike traditional plastic packaging, compostable products are typically made from natural materials. However, certifications are required before any home-compostable claims can be made.
All of our home compostable products have achieved at least one of the following Home Compostable Standard Certifications:
• TUV OK Compost Home
• Din Certco
Why is it important?
14 million tonnes of household waste is sent to UK landfills each year. And nearly half of this is greenhouse gas producing (i.e. food waste).
Home composting is one of the most effective actions that we can take to manage this waste more sustainably. It allows waste to break down naturally, with oxygen, which means less waste is sent to landfills and waste incinerators. Not only this, but this process doesn't emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, like it would if it was buried in landfill.
By turning organic waste into compost, we have the ability to transform our waste streams and do our part to help our environment.

What's the difference between commercially compostable and home compostable?
Commercially Compostable.
Commercial or industrial composting is composting on a larger scale than at-home composting. It can deal with a wider range of compostable products and is conducted in highly controlled settings with specific temperatures and oxygen levels. As a result, commercial composts can apply a much higher heat to the waste, speeding up the process and producing a high-quality, toxic-free compost. Commercial composters are usually able to process all plant and animal-based items, and other natural materials. There are a number of waste collection providers around the United Kingdom who can collect and compost your business' waste. You can read more on this here.
Home Compostable.
Home composting on the other hand, allows you to produce a high-quality, toxic-free compost right from the comfort of your backyard and is often done using a compost bin, or vermicompost a.k.a - a worm farm. An at home compost can handle food scraps, garden trimmings , and any waste that doesn’t require specialised collection. However, due to the lower temperatures, home composts typically break down organic waste at a slower rate than commercial composts.
Everything that goes into making our home compostable packaging at decent can be broken down and decomposed into organic soil at home, including the water-based inks.
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Here's the fun part... how to create the perfect home compost!
First things first, a compost bin. Find some of the best here.
For setting one up, 'Marf's Kitchen Garden' gives a great overview. Watch her video here.
And Compostable Kate gives some wonderful tips too. ✨🪱
Some useful tips to get you started...
• Home composts are usually best in easily accessible locations that get natural sunlight.
• Ensure your compost has enough oxygen by regularly turning the mixture (this will help oxidise the carbon which leads to faster composting).
• Use twigs and stalks in the base of your compost pile to create air pockets for a well aerated compost pile.
• Compost mixture should be moist, but not soaking wet (think damp sponge consistency).
• Cut materials into small pieces to help particles break down faster.