13 June
a decent conversation with Melo.
With their incredible line up of sandwiches, bakes and of course, decent drinks, Melo in Exeter are seriously living up to their 'minimalism meets indulgence' slogan.
We spoke with owner/operator Ollie about his secret behind creating a great local, and why he chose custom branding with decent.

Hey Ollie! Can you please tell us a bit about Melo, and what inspired you to start?
I guess starting Melo was kind of a natural thing to do as I have not only run/owned coffee shops before, but I have studied the industry & traveled the world experiencing how different nationalities and cultures do things.
When I arrived back to the UK and landed in the South West, Exeter, I wanted people to experience what I had experienced, so I tried my best to combine everything I'd learnt and put it into one store. I obviously had to work with the location and a specific audience but I think it's a success!
The aim with Melo was to create a coffee shop that ran like an efficient chain, but have the heart of an independent.
You have some insane looking goods on your menu, what’s a must-try for anyone visiting?
Good question, we do have lots of things! We have an incredible Head Baker who has a deep knowledge and that sets us up for success in that area. My motto is to keep things simple and do things right, so with that said… our croissant is to be appreciated! And a shout out to Edinburgh Butter Company because they seriously know what they’re doing. We wouldn't be able to do what we do without them.

What do you think is key for creating a great neighborhood local cafe?
I think people like to feel a part of something - there is more to just grabbing a cup of coffee. People like to receive a smile, and be told to have a good day. Making sure you have a good work flow, the right equipment and efficiency is really important because people don't like to wait, or have inconsistency. Timing is really important.
We love that you have custom branded cups with us! What’s the feedback from your customers been like?
The feedback on our custom cups is so good! They are just on another level - size, weight, feel, material, communication is great and the whole process is a breeze.
decent indeed!!
How do you spend a day off?
I'm just trying to remember…!
I like to be productive in the mornings, so I'd probably clean or organise something at home, or head out of the city which helps me relax. Then I'll focus on food and drink for the evening (I enjoy cooking and trying new things). Sounds a little boring but it's wholesome to me.

Do you have anything exciting in the pipeline for Melo?
Yes, I have a few ideas but I'd like the ideas to formulate and grow organically. Who knows, maybe I'll completely change my mind! But there are plans that have started to develop.
Find Melo on Instagram here.